The T20 presented its public policy recommendations to the G20

The T20 Argentina presented the Communiqué, a document containing its public policy recommendations and vision, to President Mauricio Macri at the T20 Summit

In an event where there were almost a thousand participants, and with the presence of T20 Task Force co-chairs, the Advisory Board and the Steering Committee, the T20 Argentina presented the Communiqué to the president of Argentina Mauricio MacriAdalberto Rodríguez Giavarini, the president of CARI, and Jorge Mandelbaum, the president of CIPPEC, lead the two institutions presiding the Think 20 (T20) and were the officials who presented the document to the president. The Communiqué contains the engagement group’s  public policy recommendations which the group believes should be priorities at the G20 Leaders meeting at the end of the year.

“Today I came to receive the packet of policies that was created after many months of work. I know you have addressed nearly all of the topics on this year’s G20 agenda. I am sure that this document will be useful for the constructive work for this year”, said Mauricio Macri.

In his speech, he added: “On the G20’s path, the role of engagement groups is fundamental. It is you who bring us a new perspective to this dialogue process that we are taking to civil society. Global solutions need a compromise and action from all sectors of society. It means a collective construction, which is why it is so important that their contributions are concrete recommendations orientated towards action. This is the only way to have a positive impact on reality. The main aim of this exercise is to construct a better future for our people”.

“This process highlights to the Argentine people the need for multilateral governance that is only possible if our pillars are democracy, transparency and sustainable trade. History shows us that dialogue and consensus of countries is the only way for us to build a better world. This recommendations are a perfect example of this,” said Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini, president of CARI.

In her speech, Julia Pomares said: “Think tanks need to step up to the challenge and show that technical knowledge is at the service of building consensus on global urgent issues. But we need to abandon the comfort zone of the technocratic analysis and involve in the global conversation. Here in this building there are more than 1,000 thousandthinkers from 68 countries. The T20 provided a critical and independent vision on those issues that are shaping global governance”.

The handover of the document took place on September 17 during the T20 Summit in which nearly 200 international experts took part, along with almost a thousand participants including specialists from the main think tanks of the world, Argentine government officials and representatives from international organizations and the business community.


There are a number of topics the recommendations focus on such as the future of work, education and politics, and how to combat the effects of climate change (LINK). The proposals also suggest policies to promote gender economic equity and tackle the original challenges of the G20: international financial stability, commerce and tax cooperation and more.

“The T20 Communiqué is the result of a great process of collective thinking. The work of 150 think tanks from 60 countries, who produced over 80 documents, is intended to propose recommendations to G20 leaders on the Global Agenda,” explained Pablo Ava, co-chair of the T20’s Policy and ResearchMartín Rapetti, another T20 Policy and Research co-chair, said: “The T20 Communiqué condenses the vision and core messages of the institutions that lead this years T20, CARI and CIPPEC. The main recommendations have been put forward by experts and researchers from the think tanks that participated in the T20 process, with the aim of creating a global governance for a more prosperous, fair and sustainable world.”

The proposals of the T20 Argentina for the G20

Proposal 1: Ensure that the menu of policy options for the Future of Work is flexible enough to address the heterogeneity of challenges that G20 countries face

Proposal 2: Develop a framework for data collection and artificial intelligence in the workplace to enable a socially acceptable introduction of big data and artificial intelligence

Proposal 3: Endorse the creation of a T20 platform for accelerating the jobs of the future

Proposal 4: Promote competency-based curriculum reforms and non-formal learning initiatives to ensure equal opportunities for quality education

Proposal 5: Scale up resources of development financial institutions and align the mandates of international financial institutions with international commitments to invest in sustainable infrastructure

Proposal 6: Empower cities as leading actors to mitigate climate change,develop new metropolitan governance mechanisms, and promote a new ecologically based urban agenda (NUA)

Proposal 7: Implement comprehensive green fiscal reforms to stimulate the development and use of cleaner energies

Proposal 8: Mobilize global resources, improve measurements of agriculture productivity and climate-related parameters and stimulate the transfer of technologies to promote a sustainable food future

Proposal 9: Establish principles that respond to consumer needs, measure reductions in food loss and waste and align finance to compliance with safeguards to encourage a global food system that is sustainable and promotes healthy diets

Proposal 10: Address food security concerns through special arrangements between systemically relevant countries

Proposal 11: Adopt policies that recognize, reduce and redistribute unpaid care and domestic work to relax constraints on women’s time and achieve the 25 by 25 goal

Proposal 12: Initiate the dialogue for the redesign of the rules based multilateral trading system and promote reforms to multilateral trade institutions to make plurilateral agreements possible and provide adequate responses to the interventions and challenges affecting global trade

Proposal 13: Promote a trade system with mechanisms to compensate losers from trade

Proposal 14: Strengthen cooperation on corporate taxation and set up an intergovernmental panel on taxation in the digital economy to promote a fair international tax regime

Proposal 15: Establish global policy meetings among Central Banks and encourage a more extensive use of currency swap lines and Regional Financial Arrangements (RFAs) to promote a stronger and more resilient Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN)

Proposal 16: Design a cross-border framework to put crypto-assets (CAs) on a level regulatory playing field

Proposal 17: Improve global governance through a bottom-up approach

Proposal 18: Align G20 reporting with the 2030 Agenda and report collectively at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2019) on strategic priorities and approaches to domestic implementations of the 2030 Agenda

Proposal 19: Guarantee the continuity of the Compact with Africa and scale up cooperation between G20 and African countries

Proposal 20: Encourage cooperation among G20 countries and international migration organizations to monitor migration processes and promote regional migration agreements

Download the T20 Argentina Communiqué.