CIPPEC took part in the T20 in India

Published in September 2023 


On August 1-2, CIPPEC was part of the T20 Summit held in Mysuru, India. Think 20 (T20) is an affinity group made up of the world’s leading think tanks and experts, who meet in order to produce public policy recommendations to be submitted to the Group of 20 (G20), the main forum for international economic cooperation, which in 2023 is chaired by India.   

Topics addressed included large-scale economy and trade, the digital revolution, living in harmony with the environment, the transition to greener practices, the global financial system, promoting Sustainable Development Goals (set by the United Nations) and the reformulation of multilateralism.  

The key recommendations and policy proposals developed by the six Task Forces for the G20 Leaders’ Communiqué were summarized in this official communiqué.   

This year, CIPPEC made four public policy recommendations; the three that were published address issues related to care workers and female labor involvement, and platforms that bridge the gap between skills and labor market requirements.  

In 2018, CIPPEC co-led the T20 Argentina with the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI); in that event, together with over 300 research centers from 68 countries, we produced proposals on the main global challenges. Today, we continue to work with the network, promoting strategic issues together with other think tanks. 

What’s next: T20 Brazil 2024  

The concept note on Brazil’s next chairmanship in 2024 was recently published. On December 1, 2023, Brazil will assume the rotating chairmanship of the Group of 20 (G20).   

In this new occasion, the leaders of the three institutions of the organizing committee will be the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada -IPEA-, the Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão -FUNAG- and the Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais -CEBRI-.  

T20 Brazil will be the second to be organized within the context of a troika made up exclusively of developing countries: India, Brazil and South Africa. In this context, T20 Brazil will emphasize issues particularly relevant to the Global South and will seek to involve more think tanks from these countries and those from the North focused on researching global sustainable development challenges. This is a strategic opportunity to address issues related to the Global South and, from Argentina, CIPPEC has a lot to offer. 


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