Resultados para "t20"
Web note
Minister Dujovne: “I am very pleased and proud of what the T20 has achieved”
The Argentine minister of the Treasury gave a welcome speech on Tuesday 18 September. He underlined the work carried out by the Think 20 to transform ideas and contribute to the creation and implementation of public policies.
The T20 presented its public policy recommendations to the G20
The T20 Argentina presented the Communiqué, a document containing its public policy recommendations and vision, to President Mauricio Macri at the T20 Summit
The keynote speakers of the T20 Summit will discuss relevant global topics
Nicholas Burbules, Nora Lustig, José Antonio Ocampo, Jeffrey Sachs, Vera Songwe and Thomas Straubhaar will participate in the event which will take place in Buenos Aires on 17 and 18 September
Gender economic equity, one of the main topics of the T20 Summit
The Think 20 community will come together in Buenos Aires on the 17 and 18 of September to share its public policy recommendations to the Argentina G20 presidency and debate relevant global governance topics.
Watch the T20 Summit live
The Think 20 community will come together in Buenos Aires to share its public policy recommendations to the Argentina G20 presidency and debate relevant global governance topics. Watch the main debates live on September 17 and 18 in this article.
The T20 Summit will bring together international experts and institutions from 60 countries
The Think 20 will come together in Buenos Aires on 17 and 18 September to convey its public policy recommendations to the Argentine G20 presidency.