Financial Inclusion for Women: A Way Forward

Despite the general progress made in terms of financial inclusion worldwide (there has been a nominal increase in the number of adults who have access to a bank account), the gender gap remains unaltered since 2011. In order to overcome the barriers faced by women to access and use financial services three sets of recommendations are proposed for G20 countries: 1) a set of cross cutting issues that are needed to support women’s financial inclusion, 2) measures to close the gender gap by supporting the inclusion of the financially excluded women -the unbanked-, 3) recommendations to support the development of women led business through their access to and use of financial services. These recommendations are framed under the understanding that social norms constrain women’s capacity to access and meaningfully use financial services. For financial inclusion to have an impact on women’s economic empowerment, livelihoods and broader welfare effects, these social norms need to be taken into account and acted upon. While social norms change is complex, financial services and products design and roll out can have a role to play.

Task Force: Gender Economic Equity
