Minister Dujovne: “I am very pleased and proud of what the T20 has achieved”

The Argentine minister of the Treasury gave a welcome speech on Tuesday 18 September. He underlined the work carried out by the Think 20 to transform ideas and contribute to the creation and implementation of public policies.

The Argentine minister of the Treasury, Nicolás Dujovne, gave welcome remarks on the second day of the T20 Summit on Tuesday 18 September. Dujovne underlined the Think 20’s work carried out throughout the year and thanked the leadership of CARI and CIPPEC.

“It seems we are very far from the T20’s launch which we did together in the Palacio San Martín. I am very content and proud of what it has achieved, bringing together more than 150 think tank from over 60 countries,” said the minister.

Dujovne highlighted that “global problems need global solutions” and mentioned the Argentina’s current state: “We know we are in a situation of many challenges, on an international and national level. Two years ago we decided to take a new approach: to grow sustainably, paying the price that has to be paid. For this, fiscal balance is fundamental, and we are going to achieve it. Yesterday we presented in Congress a budget that has primary fiscal balance in public accounts. We still need to get there on a global level, but that will take 2 or 3 more years to do so. That is going to make us more predictable and allow us to lower inflation.”

“In this context, the work of the G20 is more relevant than ever, and the work you are all doing. The work of the T20 is key to transform the ideas and recommendations. That contributes to create public policies, which allows us to make the most out of knowledge. You work complements our efforts and allows us to generate policy solutions. That’s why we have worked to feed the synergies between the @T20Solutions and the @G20Argentina.”

On Monday morning, the presidents of CARI and CIPPEC, Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini and Jorge Mandelbaum, gave president Mauricio Macri the Communiqué, a document containing the engagement group’s vision on global governance and policy recommendations.

Apart from president Mauricio Macri and minister Dujovne, other national officials will attend the T20 Summit. This includes Laura Jaitman, the G20 Finance Track representative, who will participate in a conversation on the G20 and the New World Order, and the secretary of culture Pablo Avelluto who introduced to the conference Nicholas Burbules, a specialist in philosophy of education. The minister of foreign affairs Jorge Faurie gave a welcome speech at the T20 Summit’s cocktail that took place on Sunday at Buenos Aires City Hall.

You can follow the main T20 Summit sessions live here.