Gender economic equity, one of the main topics of the T20 Summit

The Think 20 community will come together in Buenos Aires on the 17 and 18 of September to share its public policy recommendations to the Argentina G20 presidency and debate relevant global governance topics.

A thousand experts from main international think tanks, Argentine government officials, representatives from international organizations and the business community will come together in the CCK to participate in the T20 Summit on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 September. During the two days, the institutions that currently preside the engagement group will hand over the Communiqué to the Argentine G20 presidency.

The event will be an opportunity to discuss the topics the T20 Task Forces have investigated over the year, such as gender economic equity.

The T20 Summit Agenda of the Gender Economic Equity Task Force:

  • Women’s Labor Inclusion as a Key Priority for G20: Irene Natividad (Global Summit of Women), Fernando Filgueiras (CIPPEC), Lara Blanco (UN Women) and Marisol Touraine (Former French Minister of Social Affairs) . Moderator: Gala Díaz Langou (CIPPEC).
  • Population and Care Needs: Doing Gender in International Migration: Eleonore Kofman (Middlesex University London), Marcela Cerrutti (Centro de Estudios de Población), Valeria Esquivel (International Labour Organization) y Katharine Donato (Georgetown University). Moderator: Astrid Skala-Kuhmann (GIZ).
  • Gender Mainstreaming: A Strategic Approach for G20: Jonathan Luckhurst (Soka University of Japan), Alicia Girón (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Maxime Forest (Sciences Po University) and Visitación Asprilla (Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development). Moderator: Margo Thomas (Chatham House).
  • Plenary Session: Gender Economic Equity: Vera Songwe (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), Sarah Kambou (International Center for Research on Women), Amadou Mahtar Ba (AllAfrica Global Media) and Barbara Orser (University of Ottawa). Moderator: Gala Díaz Langou (CIPPEC).
  • Side Event: Roundtable for Business Leaders on Gender Equity (CIPPEC): Clarisa Estol (Business Women Leaders Task Force), Margo Thomas (Chatham House), Mónica Loaiza (American Express), Patricia González (PWC) and Carlos Bargiela (Metlife Argentina). Moderator: Irene Natividad (Global Summit of Women).

Download the policy briefs produced by the gender economic equity Task Force here.

The complete T20 Summit agenda