CIPPEC joins the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection

The Partnership currently has 39 members and it aims to increase the number of countries that provide universal social protection.

Published in June, 2021

Last May 21, CIPPEC’s request to become a member of the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (USP2030) was approved, a request motivated by CIPPEC’s mission, vision and work which are all aligned to the main objectives of the USP 2030 network: “a world where anyone who needs social protection can access it at any time”. The incorporation of CIPPEC as a member will allow us to participate in the different initiatives enacted by USP2030 with the purpose of cooperating in the shared mission.

USP2030 was launched in 2016 on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly. Under the co-leadership of the World Bank and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Partnership currently has 39 members including governments, international organizations and civil society organizations such as the European Union; Expertise France; the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ); the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); and UNICEF among others.

It aims to increase the number of countries that provide universal social protection, supporting countries to design and implement universal and sustainable social protection systems, in line with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, and in particular target 1.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1.3) and the USP2030 Call to Action, which emphasize the principles of protection throughout life cycle, universal coverage, national ownership, sustainable and equitable financing, and participation and social dialogue.

In line with USP2030’s mission, CIPPEC’s Social Protection Program works to consolidate, from a rights-based approach, a comprehensive and federal protection system that promotes greater welfare and social development in Argentina. To protect people from poverty and social risks, CIPPEC promotes the strengthening and articulation of different policies from an intersectional and gender perspective. With a comprehensive perspective in early childhood, CIPPEC promotes an inclusive and equitable parental leave scheme, the consolidation of a universal income for children based on the principles of sufficiency, progressiveness and territorial equity, and the expansion of early childhood and education centres with quality standards and decent working conditions. At the same time, we work to improve access to employment for people of working age and seek to guarantee a social protection floor especially in the current emergency context, through strategies such as basic income and transfers to the informal and unemployed.

The Social Protection team also strives for the creation of a social security system with broad coverage and adequate benefits, which guarantees the rights of the elderly. Finally, we promote the economic autonomy of women, focusing on their labor participation, access to social protection and the achievement of a fair social organization of care.