CIPPEC’s work at the Think 20 (T20) during 2022

CIPPEC continues to be involved in the T20 pushing strategic issues the organization works on in Argentina together with other think tanks.

T20 Task Force 2 follow-up meeting  

The Economic Development Coordinator, Agustín Chiarella, took part in the follow-up meeting of the T20 Task Force 2: Meaningful digital connectivity, cyber security, & empowerment. 

T20 Policy Brief release 

The T20 and the Elcano Royal Institute published the policy brief “Towards A Global Agenda For Digitalization Without Greenhouse Emissions” co-authored by Paula Szenkman and Agustín Chiarella, Economic Development Director and Senior Coordinator, respectively, within the framework of T20 Task Force 2: Meaningful digital connectivity, cyber security, & empowerment. 

Reclaiming Education for a Stronger Collective Future 

Alejandra Cardini and Iván Matovich from CIPPEC’s Educational Program together with Prachi Srivastava (University of Western Ontario (Canada), Kiran Bhatty (Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi (India), Amélie A. Gagnon (IIEP-UNESCO), Robert Jenkins (UNICEF) Karen Mundy (IIEP-UNESCO), Nicolas Reuge (UNICEF) and Thalia Séguin (IIEP-UNESCO) prepared a document with recommendations to G20 members and donors of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from an education as a “common good” standpoint, based on an equity-focused and crisis-sensitive approach so that inclusive and resilient education systems can recover to build stronger collective futures. 

Educational Perspectives for a Common Future: T20 Partner Event 

Alejandra Cardini from CIPPEC’s Education program took part in the launch event of policy document ‘Addressing Education Recovery for Stronger Collective Futures’ together with the director of UNESCO IBE and a Sr. Education Specialist. 

View event 

Migrant and domestic worker care during the pandemic and beyond: the role of the G20 in addressing inequalities and guaranteeing rights 

Acces the document

A cross-border network of households connects individual lives to global trends through domestic work. For migrant women, care and domestic work are often an entry point into the labor market. However, discrimination and conflicts between political regimes undermine their rights, dignity and freedoms. 

Florencia Caro Sachetti, Social Protection coordinator, together with Margo Thomas (Women’s Economic Imperative), Ananya Chakraborty (World Resources Institute), Athiqah Nur Alami (BRIN) and Sandhya S. Iyer (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) produced a policy brief outlining policy strategies related to care work, social protection, decent work, synergetic regulatory frameworks and transnational coordination to ensure migrant care and domestic rights. 

Migrant and domestic worker care beyond the COVID-19 crisis. 

Taking part in the W20 event in Rome 

Florencia Caro Sachetti, Social Protection coordinator, took part in a W20 event held in Rome on May 11, with the objective of sharing and presenting proposals with a gender perspective. 

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